In its origin, the building came as one hall small churh of country without the bell tower. It was built in 1819 with brickwork and was increased the height of the ceiling without a roof covering. In the facade, above the portal , the ancient window was enlarged with a baroque cornice in granite took from the ancient Charterhouse. Between 1820 and 1855, at each side of the “lamia”, were built two bell towers and two side aisles without the roof covering. In the years’60s-‘70s the bell the bell towers were put together and the result was a second floor. The construction of the covering started in 1870 and was built a saddle roof . The work was finished in 1883-84 with a granite covering. On the facade, divided in two floors, we find the main window , the portal, two bell windows and a rose window that houses a mechanical watch. At each side of the facade there are two high plinths sormounted by two wrought -iron lamps madein Serra in 1951 and planned by Giuseppe Maria Pisani. The interior has a nave and two side aisles. Above the main altar there is the statue of the Virgin of the Assumption by the painter from Serra,Venanzio Pisani (1870). When you get in the church you can find the font placed on a marble column with the shape of a copper cusp. The interior is a wide building with nine altars. On the left nave there are: the statue of St. Anthony in a niche; the first altar with the statue of St. Rocco; the second altar is dedicated to the Saints Cosma and Damiano; the third to the Most Sachred Christ Crucified ,and the altar of the Heart of Jesus and St. Margherita Alacoque. On the right nave there are: the statue of St. Anne holding Mary child in a niche, the fifth altar with the statue of St. Francis of Paola; the sixth with the Madonna of Mount Carmel and the seventh with St. Joseph. On the nave there are the stalls where the brothers sit down, the stalls where the prioral stall take place and, next to te altar, there are the stalls where the former priors sit down. In front of the prioral stall there are the stalls of the outgoing prioral stall (above it there is a majestic pulpit); on their left the formers’ ones and on their right the brothers’ones. Behind the altar there is the chorus stall; at the centre of it there is a mechanical structure that let the statue of the Madonna down. When you get in the Church , in the indoor wall corresponding to the facade, there is a monumental organ on an additional storey. The balcony is made with adorned wooden panels: the left panel depicts a cyther with music papers; on the right-one there is a violin. In the middle you can admire the symbol of the Virgin Mary. On the nave the stained glass windows depicts, on the right, St. Blaise, St. Lucy, St. John and the Virgin Mary; on the left , St. Bruno, St. Mark, St. Mattew and the Christ with the Apostles in the Last Supper. The Church houses the Parish dedicated to the Holy Saint Mary of the Assumption. This is the same title of the confraternity founded in 1873. The “Coronella”,(in dialect Corunedha), is a confraternity custom: it is a mass celebrated by the spiritual father on Sundays and on the other festive days of the year at 8:30. During the mass the brothers sing the gregorian chant (canto dell’ufficio) from the “ Ufficiolo”. Every position “Ufficio”has a different melody and, even today, it is sung in latin. Inside the Church, in an exihibition room, there is a large number of objects of the confraternity as: official suits, ancient religious vestments, cutlery, ancient texts and very precious works of art (statues and paintings). Bibliografy: the Church of the Assumption of Spinetto by Silvano Onda